Welcome to Websweeper, the addictive puzzle game where it's your
task to sweep the water for mines without getting blown up.
The game is divided into a grid. You simply pick a spot and hope there's no
mine there. You can get an idea of where mines are by reading the
"mine-detection" values that appear. For example, if you click a spot that
results in a "2", you know there are two mines somewhere directly adjacent
to that spot.
You win the game by placing flags over the mines. To do this, click the
"Flag" button to switch into "Flag Mode." You only have as many flags
as there are mines, so be careful! When you correctly flag all of the mines,
you win!
There's also a mode called "QMark Mode" which lets you place an unlimited
number of question-marks on the screen. "QMarks" are identical to "Flags,"
except they're only for your references and don't do anything in the game.
Good luck, and happy sweeping!
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